Saturday, December 11, 2010

I did it!!

I treat today as the first day I began work on the cook book. And all of you are my witness. I have started simple. 2 vegetarian dishes for the book from state 1. A rice dish and a pickle. I even wrote about them. Phew! I feel so much better now. I just need to keep at it.
No more distractions! Just today, Julia Child's book "Mastering the art of French cooking" arrived in the mail for me. Woohoo!! So excited!
But it is ALL about MY cookbook now. ok..maybe one day a week I will cook from Julia's book. French cooking...what an adventure that will be.
For the next week...I plan to cook a non vegetarian rice dish, a curry and a dessert from state 1. With that it will be time to move on to state 2.
I will keep you posted on how next week goes! Love to you all.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Just need to cook and write about it!

Or so I thought. Turns out writing a cookbook is a lot harder than that.
My idea was to cook a few recipes per state and write about it. Throw in an anecdote or two, a little history and a little geography and voila! a book in the making! Boy, was I wrong!
I did cook (a little), but writing about it, writing a story, keeping it honest yet interesting and educational is a lot harder than I thought.
Part of the reason I haven't made progress on the book is because I am like a kid in a candy store. I want to do it all. Baking for fundraisers, trying any new recipe I come across, gardening, traveling, all of it.
How quickly a year has gone by with no progress on the book. Lesson learned!
I have to focus. Make completing the cookbook my goal. Hence it is my new year's resolution!
What I did learn while working on the book is that I know very little of India's rich history and geography. I hope to use the book as an opportunity to educate myself too.
Here's to 2011 and a completed cookbook!